When was the last time you had a business’s name stuck in your head?

When was the last time you had a song stuck in your head?

How did you learn your ABC’s?

“There was a farmer had a dog, and _ _ _ _ _ was his name, OH!”

BINGO to that! Music is memorable! Make your name memorable!!

Music, even music you hate, can get stuck in your head!

As a marketer of 40 years, I have learned a few things:

Never work for a client that doesn’t love their business.

Avoid people who will only dangle their toes in the water in favor of those who will climb up the top of the high dive, take a couple of big bounces, and land a full gainer cannonball soaking all of those “half-committeds” dangling their feet in the water. AND, always Under Promise and Overdeliver!

Music tells a story, it doesn’t brag, because people hate bragging in ads. SHOW THEM, STOP TRYING TO TELL THEM!

Most advertising is designed for people who need to buy what you have on sale RIGHT now, but GREAT radio ads, TV ads, or video ads convince people that when they need something, at any given time, they think of you first. 

Why? Because I don’t need a new truck tomorrow, but when I do, who am I going to think of first? It is often someone who has blasted their sweet little musical ditty in my ear every day – not shooting in the dark, hoping I need what they have today!

Just look at how many national ad productions are using music to set the tone, the feeling, the vibe, groove, hook, or culture of their products and brand. In fact, they are often changing their music and making mini videos that create buzz, water cooler fodder, and an impenetrable brand in the long run!

Jingles don’t go in one ear and out the other, they get stuck in your brain like that bag of Legos did when my nephew Harley flushed them down our toilet ‘cause I “made him” eat his peas!

Watch TV, look at those pre-roll ads before that YouTube video, watch what music is doing to the advertising landscape. People say that reaching the right people is key, but I contend that most campaigns are killed with what you say and how you deliver your message than by who you reach. Climb up to that high dive, be proud of your story, OR CHANGE IT! THEN SING IT LOUD as you rocket off that high dive and thoroughly soak all of your competitors who continue to “try” everything from ads on urinal pads or slick brochures that tell long boring stories of how their friendly knowledgeable staff is there for all of your worldly needs!

Be UNIQUE, sing your story, kick-ass in the caring department, and call DICKY DOG custom jingles just to say, “Hi!” You’ll like what you hear, or I’ll send you a bag of Georgia Pecans (they’re three years old, but hey, it’s somethin’!!!)  

Our jingle production company, Dicky Dog is ready to breathe serious life and confidence to your unique story. Contact us now at 906-458-1788.

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