2020 was a year that was…ahem…unlike any other.

While we are grateful for making it to December unscathed, we look back on this year with admiration, gratefulness, and also a huge sigh of relief.

This year was challenging, to say the least. We thank our lucky stars every day that our business is thriving and that we get to continue to do what we love – create musical jingles for our beloved clients.

No matter the circumstance, you have turned to music to calm your nerves at some point this year. You’ve turned on your favorite radio station, heard a jingle that made you smile, and also forget about things for a little bit.

We take comfort in music; no matter if it’s a well-known jingle on the radio or one of our favorite songs that our friends complain over and over about hearing way too much. Music provides a sanctuary for our thoughts, our feelings, our emotions, and our overall wellbeing. As a full-service jingle studio, we get to design that hope that blasts from your stereo. We get to work with magnificent people who have a message to get across and aim to do so in a creative, unique, fun-filled way.

At the end of the day, we are thankful for the clarity that 2020 has brought to our business. We know now more than ever that we are in the right place, and we will continue to bring music, cheer, and laughter to our customers for years to come.

We’re here to say, “Thank you” to all of our loyal clients, friends, and family. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you. Producing custom jingles is our passion, and we wouldn’t be able to keep doing what we love if it weren’t for you.

So, Scott and I are here to say we’re grateful for you, we appreciate you, and SAYONARA 2020!

Let’s raise a glass to the close of this year and celebrate together (socially distant, of course!)

We’re ready to embrace the new year, and we’ve got a ton of new, fresh content to go with our clean slate that is known as 2021. Let’s do this!

Happy New Year from Dicky Dog Jingles!

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