About 40% of popular songs are about a girl or guy that the writer is telling about. Lost love, regret, admiration, deep yearnings etc.

People love, LOVE SONGS! So why not sing your business love song. Not by telling people what you offer, but by showing and singing about what they may see as relative to them. Secret, ALWAYS involve your audience! Sing about what they connect with, what they want out of life! Then tell them where they can find that in a memorable, hooky, groovy creative way.

People in Northern Minnesota may not think about heated seats when they sit on their block ice frozen car seat in -35 degrees. But they certainly want a WARM BUTT! Talk about the warm butt, not the heated seats! Works every time!

At DickyDogJingles.com we know how to steer you to where the results are because we care about your success more than we do selling you a jingle, you’ll know that the first time we talk. The jingle business isn’t something we have to do, Scott is full time pastor and musical director and Chris is 40-year veteran of the advertising business who now sits back and let’s his daughters, son-in-law and great friends take  business farther than he ever dreamed. We’ve always known that for us the be successful, you need to be successful.

Call us, we’ll sing your business love song!!

Scott 906-399-7699 or Chris 906-458-1788.

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