How to Capture your Millennial Audience Through Multi-Media Ads | Dicky Dog Jingles

Group sitting on a bench

Did you know…

93% of millennials listen to an average of 11 hours of radio a week. Here’s some tips and tricks on how to target them.

Be authentic.

With the transparency of social media and advertising these days, millennials know they’re being marketed to and they want facts. They want the honest reason as to why they should purchase whatever it is they’re being targeted for. Skip the filler and fluff. They just want a product that works and will be worth their money. Back up your claims and be realistic in your advertising while also remaining creative.

For example, a tried and true TV ad comes from the one and only, Apple Inc.. With aesthetically pleasing visuals, to-the-point information about innovative features, and futuristic music and shooting concepts, Apple consistently nails the millennial audience preference of honest buying. So much to the point that millennial consumers will pay the steep price tag.

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Sell what can be done with the product, not the product itself.

Millennials famously say they’d rather pay for, “experiences, not things.” Strategically use your radio or TV ad to showcase how the consumer can utilize the product in a lifetime experience. Show them how they can look forward to all the ways and places to use the product. However, take the subtle approach. Millennials aren’t keen on hard sells. You may want to go for a soft sell approach. Find a way to get their attention and entertain them first, then speak to them on a personal level.

In an interview conducted by Cosmopolitan, an ad that portrayed a soft sell that, “wasn’t intimidating and made me [the millennial consumer] want to purchase right away” was for Hinge, a dating app that shares the principle that it is, “The dating app that’s meant to be deleted.” This ad depicts the new, realistic dating world and the experiences two people can share through the app and in-person. All without hard selling the app.

Listening to music

Use music.

The radio holds the songs of the soundtrack to the millennial lifestyle, so it may be a good idea to include these catchy tunes in your ads. Whether it’s satellite radio, FM/AM, or a streaming service like Spotify or Pandora, millennials are consuming just as many ads as they are songs. Music is a tool that connects emotion to people. Create an identity and tone for your brand through the most current music that this audience is listening to. Music is a powerful tool that evokes emotions and establishes your brand’s tone.

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Do something different.

In the millennial world, there is no such thing as having something ‘too new.’ Both the product and service industries are constantly creating cutting edge projects that raise the bar socially. Millennials are all about innovation. As stated before, the market surrounding millennials is oversaturated with the same old advertising tactics and cliches. Make your ad stand out by doing something no one else in your market is doing. Set a new tone through your jingle or music. Evoke a new sense of innovation and newness through visuals and sound. Make sure your message is creatively and uniquely delivered.

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