September 15, 2020

If the Nike Swoosh Logo Could Sing…

Picture this setting : Big round table with a whole gaggle of creative types with dreadlocks, chai tea, organic carrot cake, etc. Mixed in are a few suits and account managers to ensure the financial windfalls of selling such an ELEPHANT! The Goal: Sell this HUGE tennis shoe company a branded logo that “pops.” Lord, I hate the term, “pops.” It’s what …

August 26, 2020

Why Music?

So, you want someone to fall in love with you? Come on, play along. Do you really want someone to fall in love with you? Good, then write them a hand-written letter or better yet, write them a poem expressing how you feel or EVEN BETTER BESTEST YET, write them a song! Who doesn’t like it when someone includes them in a song? That’s why we ALWAYS invo …

August 4, 2020

How Jingles Work

When was the last time you had a business’s name stuck in your head? When was the last time you had a song stuck in your head? How did you learn your ABC’s? “There was a farmer had a dog, and _ _ _ _ _ was his name, OH!” BINGO to that! Music is memorable! Make your name memorable!! Music, even music you hate, can get stuck in your head! As a marketer of …

May 21, 2020

A New Face On An Old Friend

Yes, it’s a whole new world out there. You’re going to have to somehow change and adapt, innovate and recreate. Here’s a few tips 1. How you treat your employees and vendors in this crisis will be heard by your customers, Big and Small. Will they see your compassion in every move or will they feel something less than that? You’ve created a good comp …

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