What IS a Jingle Anyways? | Dicky Dog Jingles

We’ve written a whole lot about jingles, from the science behind them to examining what makes iconic jingles so effective. But we haven’t yet defined what a jingle is.

Of course, we could give you a dictionary definition and that would be … okay. But here at Dicky Dog, we like to do things a little different. So, let’s explore the topic in another way.

If you’re like us, you love a good tune. Something catchy that you can tap along to the beat and that gets stuck in your head long after the final notes have finished playing. Whether it’s Beethoven or the Beatles, memorable music sticks with you.

Similarly, we admire clever turns of phrase, expert rhymes and word play. There’s nothing like being knocked head over heels by some absolutely astonishing use of language.

Last but not least, the folks here at Dicky Dog adore jingles. An exceptional jingle is pure poetry, the perfect mingling of a toe-tapping song with the brilliant use of words. This jingle rings good and true, expertly and artfully capturing the essence of a brand and projecting it into the world.

In doing so, the ideal jingle is more than a little ditty that stays in your head, played on a loop. Because a jingle has power and potential far beyond your everyday earworm. A jingle can determine whether or not a brand flies or falters, as in the case of the 1926 Wheaties radio spot. That single tune rescued Wheaties and helped turn the cereal from a commercial bust into a household name.

A jingle also skillfully builds the relationship between you and your customer. A jingle creates instant recognition for your brand, of course, but it does more than that. A jingle also has the ability to forge a vibrant emotional connection with your audience. Think about it. Because your customer can recognize your particular brand through your jingle, it can bring feelings of comfort, pride or excitement by association. That’s pretty powerful and meaningful.

At the end of the day, that’s why we at Dicky Dog love writing jingles. We adore having that moment of reaching a customer and creating those significant, personal connections. This is something which is only possible with a fantastic tune and the ideal words, blended together in perfect harmony.

So, in a nutshell, dear reader, that’s what a jingle is. And if you ever find yourself in need of one for your business because you want to inspire your customers, then contact us today and ask about a free estimate. We’ll have your customers tapping their toes and humming along to a jingle crafted especially for your brand in no-time.


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