We always shake our heads when we hear someone say, “I don’t need a radio jingle.” Many times we’ve heard that a radio jingle is antiquated or outdated. But, funny enough, we’ve got some scientific proof to show you just how effective they can be. Have you ever heard a catchy song or commercial tune and next thing you know you can’t get it out of your head? Thank INMI for that. Involuntary Musical Imagery is the fancy neuroscience term for the way your brain recognizes a song and associates it with a memory. Ding, ding, ding – the perfect advertising for your brand. What’s better than creating a familiarity around a piece of music that is directly associated with your brand? Read on to learn why your brand *needs* a radio jingle.

Brand Awareness

Brand awareness breeds trust. Radio jingles have a simplistic way of creating brand awareness. When people hear it, they associate it with your brand. Once a consumer has heard your radio jingle and they see an ad for your brand or product, they’ll immediately associate you with it. No matter if listeners hate or love your radio jingle, they will remember it. Then, the consumer builds trust with your brand and is more likely to choose it over a competitor. Exposure through radio jingle is a direct way to target potential customers while indirectly building an integral brand that will create trust. Let the music do the work for you!


The number one reason brands and businesses create a radio jingle is because consumers will remember it, whether they want to or not. Creating a catchy, whimsical song that will briefly entertain listeners will help your brand stand out against competitors in your industry. The most successful radio jingles leverage a company’s competitive advantage and transform it into a catchy rhythm. The simpler it is, the easier it is to remember. Repetition is also key. Put your radio jingle on repeat throughout your campaign and consumers will be sure to remember it. Give listeners a song that’s easy to follow along or sing to. Then, every time they see an ad from your brand, they’ll already feel associated with it.

Simply put, a radio jingle will help your brand break through the noise, create brand awareness and instill trust among your listeners. Let our team at Dicky Dog Productions create magic that will put your brand on the radio waves. Our full-service jingle studio is the go-to destination that embodies excellence unleashed. Dicky Dog Jingles is a nationally known jingle production company with one thing In mind, making your business FIRST thought of for years! Interested? Contact us today at 906-553-3270 or Kendall@bottomlineblack.com.

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